NJ Boxer Club

Welcome To The New Jersey Boxer Club!

Founded in 1947 by a group of eleven individuals, the New Jersey Boxer Club was organized to provide new and experienced dog fanciers opportunities for ongoing learning about the many facets of Boxers and dogs in general. As a member club of the American Boxer Club, members of the newly formed New Jersey club could also participate in the American Boxer Club’s prestigious Futurity Show. Organizing members of the NJBC were Mr. & Mrs. Albert Seaman of Perth Amboy, Dr. & Mrs. Milton K. Harkader, Mr. Charles Meyer, Mr. William Meyer and Mr. Jon Moffet of Westfield, Mr. Jack Toomey and Mr. Bird of Basking Ridge.

Today, our members are dedicated to preserving the Boxer breed through better breeding, health testing, responsible dog ownership and supporting organizations with like goals. Many members and their dogs in conformation shows, performance, obedience, rally, and agility trials & use their dogs as service companions. Most of all our members enjoy having our fun-loving and beautiful boxers as part of their families.

New Members Welcome!